Bird populations move north due to climate change

If you live in New England, you may know the famous pee-o call of the Northern Cardinal. The streak of red flashing through the sky is a common sight in backyards. However, it is actually native to the south. The reason it is common up here is because of climate change.

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UMass ranked number 42 out of Princeton Review’s top 50 green colleges

Senior Biology major Kate Froburg checks out one of the compost bins by the Integrative Learning Center

It’s the homecoming football game. Hundreds of beer cans, water bottles, and half-eaten french fry trays litter the stands. People are filing out, but about a dozen students stay behind. They’re picking up all of this trash and meticulously sorting it. Beer cans and water bottles in the recycling, food in the compost. At the University of Massachusetts Amherst, this happens at almost every game.

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